Why you need to write
If you want to try
In this time I will take a small break and write a minor post about articles and why I writing them.
Today there are tonnes of tonnes of sites and places where you can write or read interesting (or not), big (or small), extensive (or highly specialized) posts. So as for me, there are not so big chance to write something really important and at the same time innovative.
But you as reader keep seeing same articles about singletons, oop, functional programming, Dagger for Android, MVP, MVVM and e.t.c. Their difference (including mine) are not so big and lies in the subjective world view and experience of each writer. Thus, it also fair to call those articles unique.
I can not say anything about other writers, whether they trying to innovate something, or they want to cost more on a labor market (indeed, many times on an interview I saw interviewer impressed, when I told that I have a small blog), or they just want to share their knowledges. Maybe, some of them are combine those three reasons in a different proportions. But I just can say about my reasons, why I wrote articles, most of them with a high probability are already known.
Knowledge sharing
One of the reasons, why I write articles, is a knowledge sharing. When I learn something new, I want to talk about it, just say it to someone. As for now I’m a part of a small, but highly skilled team of Android developers, so if I see something interesting I share it with my colleagues. But when I started my Medium’s blog I was on previous project and I was alone. So for me it was very important to share knowledge with someone.
Also, this works in a both way. For me it is important to receive knowledge for people around me, including you, who writing comments and text highlights. So when I see a new comment I try to understand it and accept or discuss it.
Knowledge structuring
This reason follows from the previous. When I learn new feature or find new approach to resolve some task, I want to remember it. In this moment I try to structuring my knowledge, because in the future it will be much easier to remember it and restore.
One of the ways to do that is to pronounce a solution sotto voce. When I do that, I try to imagine a big conference (or a classroom), where I try to explain problem and it solution. And the other way is to try to put it on paper. In out case is to write article about aforementioned problem. As for me, it really helps.
Studying foreign language
My native language is Russian. But all the time I write my articles on English. It helps me to learn foreign language and sharpen skills. I know that my spelling leaves much to be desired. But I think that with every new article I become more and more advanced in it.
And I think, if you want to learn some language, one of cases to improve your knowledge is to practice of writing something. Especially when you can not for some reason to practice speaking.
Сorrect speech construction
I decided to put this reason as separate with previous one, because it not depends on whether you use foreign or native language. Even if you use native language, writing articles helps you to structuring your speech and your thoughts correctly.
It not just about aforementioned knowledge structuring but your pronounce, selection of correct syntactic constructions or, for example, synonyms. With each new post, comment or article you became more skilled in it.
Small bonus: interview impression
This reason is more joke than serious one. But in interview I saw couple of time pleasant surprise of interviewers, when they found out that I write articles. It in interesting observation, because they just don’t know about what my articles. The fact of their existence satisfies them. :)
If you have in mind the idea of sharing some knowledge or wish to try to tell your story, share your experience, then I suggest you to write something. Just for yourself or just to be heard. As for me, it helps me to impress myself, to know, that I’m a part (tiny, but nevertheless the part) of a huge community.
P.S.: This was a sort of vacation article for me. Next time I will tell about my experience with making photo grids on Android.